Trusted Builders in Midhurst | Delivering Everything from Groundworks and Landscaping to Complete Home Renovations

You’ve decided to invest in your property, adding or improving the space itself, while fostering its value. It’s a wise decision, with the yearly research conducted by Nationwide and similar groups showing how effective something as simple as a house renovation or property extension can be in ticking both these boxes. Other ideas that our Midhurst clients come to our veteran groundworks, landscaping and brickwork contractors with include loft conversions. Sometimes, they even have the land available to construct altogether new properties; these are some of the most exciting jobs we take on as fully equipped new home builders.

Once you’ve made the decision, and started looking around for a company that has a track record of delivering such projects to incredible standards, such as Midhurst’s OCH GROUP, there’ll be a number of considerations worth mulling over. We’re here to provide advice and assistance in this pre-planning stage, before our team of groundworks, landscaping and brickwork contractors, new home builders and all-round construction veterans get to work drawing up detailed designs. Below, we’ve run over some of the questions you should ask yourself, the answers of which will shape how projects such as home renovation, property extension or loft conversions will proceed…

Domestic Property Development - Client Considerations

Aims – First things first: what are you looking to achieve? If it’s purely for the sake of adding value to your property, you’ll want to consider what the average potential buyer might like to see added or changed about your property. Homes around Midhurst which have had the same interior design scheme for many years, will most likely see the most amount of ROI gained from a home renovation. Loft conversions are ideal if the property could benefit from an extra bedroom, bathroom or statement room (e.g., dedicated study). Meanwhile, property extension cost looks much less frightening when you’ve already made these kinds of changes and realise that adding square footage is the surest path to value.

Budget – One of the first questions you’ll be asked by groundworks, landscaping and brickwork contractors, or indeed new home builders, is what kind of a budget you’re working with; it’s important to set one to ensure that you don’t keep expanding the scope of the project, to the point where it starts to become a worry for you as funds are uncomfortably stretched. But if you’re in the Midhurst area and are pursuing a property extension, home renovation or loft conversions, and don’t have everything required right to hand, keep in mind many companies including our own offer a range of finance options to cater to you. Simply give us a call to discuss them.

Planning Permission – Proposed projects which do not fall within permitted development rights will require planning permission from Midhurst’s local authority. Some are more likely to be able to go ahead without the rubber stamp than others. Loft conversions, specifically those which do not require major structural alterations to the roof, often don’t require permission. A home renovation very, very rarely requires permission, due to the fact most only involve changes to interior elements. A property extension often will, and our team of groundworks, landscaping and brickwork contractors are on hand to assist you in getting the green light, preventing any delays, disruptions or frustrating concessions.

To discuss any of the above considerations with our veteran builders or get a quote for works in the Midhurst area, pick up the phone and call OCH GROUP on 01903 921 101.