Perfect Project Management on Everything from Home Renovations to Groundworks and Landscaping in Hove | Your Local Specialist Builders

It’s not enough to simply deliver quality groundworks and landscaping, or subsequent workmanship on projects such as loft conversions, a home renovation or property extension. Builders, and specialist construction companies such as OCH GROUP in Hove, require the kinds of project management capabilities that ensure work is delivered within a strict timeframe, budget (extension cost, for example, can quickly spiral out of control), and without sacrificing important facets of the job, such as on-site health and safety. This is one of the most enticing reasons for bringing in a specialist construction company, such as our own: you’ll be safe in the knowledge that the project will be overseen and actively managed by industry veterans, who refuse to compromise, and never shy away from active communicating with you as and when required.

Putting Advanced Theory into Practice

There are few groundworks and landscaping companies, few new home builders and few brickwork contractors who also serve as college lecturers; OCH GROUP, however, do. When we’re not delivering loft conversions in Hove, staging a home renovation, property extension or constructing a fresh block of domestic properties as local new home builders, we’re passing our knowledge on to both up-and-coming, and established professionals in our industry.

The same reservoirs of knowledge and experience are available to you, the client. You may be looking for options to keep an extension cost nice and low, without sacrificing too much in the way of features and specifications. Perhaps you’re interested in how different materials can result in different thermal characteristics in loft conversions, a home renovation or property extension. Or you might have a question that other groundworks, landscaping or brickwork contractors you’ve been sounding out for work in the Hove area have seemed reluctant to answer. In all cases, OCH GROUP is an open book, ready to share its depth of knowledge to ensure you can achieve the results you’re looking for.

Trust Hove’s OCH GROUP to ensure that anything from basic groundworks and landscaping to full home renovations, is delivered to impeccable standards. Call us today on 01903 921 101.